Friday Fun

It’s finally Friday (woo!) and I finally have some time to do another “Friday Fun” links roundup! It’s certainly a broken record statement, but dang this year is going fast. I can’t believe we’re halfway through June! I’ve been rounding up (aka: hoarding) these links for awhile and have had good intentions of sharing but, ya know, life. Perhaps you’ve already seen some of these, but I’m sharing regardless ? even if they are old news. I have always had a penchant for all things retro…Enjoy!

First Things First

  • Eeee!! The little bumble-Beys could be arriving any day now! The twitter-verse is abuzz with the notion that my girl Bey has gone into labor with her twins (no real news yet though). There’s no denying Beyoncé is the queen of being fiercly female and carrying that theme throughout her pregnancy has been no exception. See: this article.

Life Things

  • A beautifully written article on how it’s easy to forget to love yourself, but also why it’s truly imperative.
  • They say the only thing that doesn’t change is change itself. Here’s a great article on embracing change, specifically how it applies to relationships and how flowing with change keeps them thriving.

Green Things & Health 

  • A fascinating quick look at face mapping which is the ancient practice of determining the internal cause of acne based on where it pops up on your face.
  • Superfoods are at peak popularity right now. This article talks about how it’s like a gold rush- demands for crops may ultimately strain wild harvestation.
  • An interesting read on why Hawaii is trying to ban a common sunscreen (hint: it has to do with marine life).
  • Are changing microbiomes in the gut changing the way we absorb nutrients? An interesting read about what we eat and how it’s starting to affect our population.
  • Has corn syrup sneakily been renamed? This article provides something to think about.

On Infertility

  • On why we need to have better infertility education.
  • Going through IVF and in need of a sperm donor? There’s an app for that. No, seriously, check out the future of family building here.
  • Aside from having the absolutey-perfect-why-didn’t-I-think-of-that-punny name, this new podcast called IVFML, sheds hilarious heart on navigating the world of infertility.

Pure Fun

Hope you found some inspiration or laughs to get you through to the weekend. And do share if you found some inspiration of your own! Have a good one folks!

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