National Infertility Awareness Week 2017

Hey everyone – Listen Up! It’s National Infertility Awareness Week this week! I’ve got my megaphone ready to spread the news and raise awareness! Infertility is a disease that takes away one’s right to build a family. It affects 1 in 8 couples so you very likely know someone who has struggled through this challenging process. It’s often a taboo subject and one that many people prefer to keep private, as it’s a very personal issue. This has lead to a stigma that it’s something to be ashamed of. However, it’s SO common and the more people that speak up […]

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World Mental Health Day Note

Just a note on World Mental health day that mental health is important and can affect anyone. It’s not just those that struggle with debilitating disorders day in and day out for their whole life, it’s also those that struggle through challenging seasons that may eventually pass. It can be someone at work, someone you just pass on the street, some one in our family or even closer our spouse or child. It can affect simple daily tasks and make what seems easy to those who don’t suffer, a huge challenge. According to the National Alliance for Mental Health, 1 […]

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#StartAsking about Infertility

It’s National Infertility Awareness Week this week. And since my infertility journey lead me to this place, to going green, and to start this blog I owe it to myself and to everyone else walking this road to raise awareness and to #StartAsking how I can help others ease the heartache and pain. To say this process is a struggle is a huge understatement. It’s not something anyone should have to go at alone. There are good days and there are very bad days, days where you aren’t sure you can face reality, days where you need someone to talk […]

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