Dinacharya Self Care Box Review – March 2020

I’ve discovered another wonderful new subscription box! And when I say new, I don’t just mean new to me, but newly launched too. Dinacharya Self Care Box is exactly that – a box full of self care delivered straight to your door. This is their very first self care collection and it’s a good one! 

The word dinacharya is Sanskrit and means the concept of developing daily rituals and habits to maintain physical, spiritual and mental well-being. This box was created based on that concept to especially help us women who most often care of others, but can forget to care for ourselves in the process. They believe that establishing and maintaining a daily self care routine will ensure great health in all areas including both spiritual and physical wellness.

Subscription Details

Each monthly box will contain 4-6 high quality, non-toxic products that can be incorporated into your self care routine. There is always a monthly crystal and sacred plant (like sage) included and the remaining product selection may consist of candles, books, CDs, tea, massage oil, yoga and meditation tools, makeup, bath and body, chocolates, essential oils and more. You’ll also find a newsletter in each box that details product information as well as provides tips and tricks on finding more ways to add self care into your life.

The cost of each monthly box is $45 with a value that exceeds that in the contents. Each box ships on the 4th of every month and they ship worldwide. Shipping is not included in the cost of the box.

March Box Details

At Dinacharya we are all about taking time out of each day to take care of your own needs. These products can be incorporated into your daily selfcare ritual. We hope you enjoy and continue to receive more high quality self-care products.

Here’s a look at what’s in this month’s box:

Hematite Crystal
Hematite is a great crystal for finding balance. It helps to ground you to the earth by clearing and opening the root chakra. When you’re feeling stressed or anxious, hold a hematite crystal in your hand and its’ vibration will help ease your symptoms. It’s also a great crystal to start your day out with since its energizing and gets your circulation going.

The perfect stone to come this month and to add to my crystal collection. Stress and anxiety are a bit heightened right now so a stone that works with those symptoms to calm and ease them is perfect to keep on hand. Crystals can be used as a general reminder of their healing powers or can help direct a meditation session reflecting on those feelings. With being stuck inside right now, it’s the perfect time to set aside some moments to reflect and feel the healing energies this stone can bring. If you’re not totally into meditating with crystals, they can just be held while you repeat a mantra about feeling grounded and safe in the moment too.

White Sage Smudge Stick 
Cleansing your living space from time to time is an important part in maintaining a high vibration. If you’re new to smudging, a technique that I like to use is to get a plate or a bowl to hold under the sage as it burns to catch ashes, then light the sage and blow out flames. Next, go around the house in a counterclockwise direction, leaving several windows and/or doors for the negative and stagnant energy to escape through. Research has also shown that sage will kill 94% of air borne bacteria if left burning for an hour. Powerful stuff!

Spring is the perfect time to clear the air, figuratively and literally. And with it’s air purifying abilities this couldn’t have come at a better time. Winter air is generally in need of freshening up, but this March has been a doozy so any extra tool to rid the air of bad bacteria is much welcomed. I like sage for a meditation session tool, but I think I’ll be using it for much more than that right now. It has a very earthy and distinct aroma and it has a way of calming and grounding the senses. Both of those are things we could all use more right now too, right?!

Elements Truffles Ayurvedic Hot Chocolate
This luxurious dark hot chocolate by Elements Truffles is infused with ashwagandha root, which is an adaptogen – it helps your body adapt to stress. It also supports the endocrine, nervous, cardiovascular and immune systems. The cacao used is organic and fair trade.

This hot chocolate sounds divine and I love that it has added adaptogenic benefits. It’s infused with ashwagandha which promotes reducing of stress and anxiety along with boosting brain function. A treat with added health benefits is always a win in my book. Another pro is that it’s made with simple ingredients like organic raw cacao powder, organic raw cacao paste, organic coconut palm sugar and Himalayan sea salt, plus the organic ashwagandha. It’s handmade in micro batches and the cacao is fair trade and sourced ethically from Ecuador. This is a pretty large bag that should last for several cups too. It’s simple to make and sounds so tasty to warm up with on the chilly transition nights from winter to spring we are in the midst of right now.

The Alchemists Kitchen CBD chocolate
Each of these decadent bars contains 30 mg of CBD. There’s a lot to learn about CBD but the benefits that have me most excited are, reduced stress and anxiety, better sleep, pain relief and reduces inflammation.

I’m so excited to try this chocolate out! I haven’t tried a CBD chocolate yet, but I really need to. A treat that combines benefits like stress-reduction and better sleep? There couldn’t be a better match. This bar is made with such simple and clean ingredients so that you can feel even better about eating it too. The ingredient list includes: organic raw cacao butter, organic raw cacao powder, raw honey, sea salt and coconut oil along with the 30mg of organic hemp-derived CBD isolate. I love that it’s sweetened with just raw honey so it basically makes it a health food and not a treat, haha. I also really like that all the ingredients are organic and that the cacao is fair trade and ethically sourced from Ecuador. 

Latika Body Essentials X-large Geode bath bomb
Aren’t these just the coolest bath bombs you’ve ever seen? Made in Austin, Texas, these bath bombs are sure to bring you a peaceful moment and moisturized skin. The amethyst bath bomb is hand painted and is scented with lavender, sage and fresh basil leaves. The amazonite bath bomb is also hand painted and the scent is meant to remind you of ocean air, sea salt and driftwood.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a prettier bath bomb! So creative and beautiful! They are like little works of art, almost too pretty to use. These larger bath bombs contain 5x the amount of natural oils and epsom salts for larger and longer baths. It’s made with nourishing ingredients like coconut oil, shea butter and avocado oil to keep hydrated and soothed and smells nice too, even though it’s a pretty strong scent. I’m really fragrance sensitive and I generally choose and prefer things that use essential oils over fragrance oils (this bath bomb uses phthalate-free fragrance oils) so I’m not sure if I’ll be able to use this or not. Even though it has a rather strong fragrance it’s still a nice and calming scent. It’s a mix of lavender, sage and basil and is meant to promote calm, peace, balance and patience like the actual amethyst stone which is the “stabilty stone” for healing energies.

Dry Skin Brush
Dry brushing is best done in the morning right before you hop in the shower since it’s very energizing. Gently brush in long strokes in the direction of your heart starting at your feet. When you reach your stomach, go in clockwise circles. The benefits? More energy, exfoliation, creates lymph drainage, thereby detoxing the blood and unclogs pores

I love dry brushing and have made it a must-have step in my morning routine. It’s great for improving circulation, working the lymph system and waking up the skin and removing dry flakes. This dry brush is the perfect hand-held size and I love that it has an angle to it to reach harder to get spots like the back. The brush head is large and the bristles are firm yet soft enough to not irritate skin. I’ll be using this one a lot!

Ridgeway Soapworks Shower Frosting in Lovestruck
Lovestruck is the perfect name because the idea of Dinacharya is falling in love with yourself. This product which is a 3-in-1 will help you to exfoliate, cleanse and moisturize your way to a more relaxing bath or shower.

This is a fun product and it literally does look like frosting or even cotton candy! It’s all whipped and fluffy and looks good enough to eat. It’s made with sugar, glycerin, apricot kernel oil and mango butter to exfoliate and hydrate too. It also has a nice, yet pretty strong fragrance that smells fruity and sweet. I’m sure this would make for a nice shower experience to uplift and wakeup the mind while smoothing and calming the skin. There are a small handful of ingredients in this product that I prefer to keep out of my skincare routine, so I’m on the fence with how much I’ll use this, but I am really intrigued by it and love the concept.

Final thoughts:

I just love the concept of this subscription box! I know it’s geared toward women, but anyone that needs self care (and who are we kidding, we all do) can benefit from it’s contents. With the state of the world right now it’s obviously good timing to dive deep into some serious self care while we’re all hunkered down at home and this box couldn’t be a better fit for those needs. It’s got ways to clear the air of negative energy, ways to clear your thoughts of negative energy and stress, ways to refresh and wake up your mind and body in the morning, and ways to wind down the evening with a calming treat. It’s an eclectic, yet cohesive mix of goods from brands I’ve mostly never heard of which is always a fun part of subscription boxes. It shows they really take time to hunt down interesting items to fit the meaning and theme of the box. I’ll be so intrigued to watch as they release new collections to see what kind of wonderful self care goods continue to fill their boxes. Definitely check this box out if you need a little me time or some time away from the daily grind. It will have your back, I promise!

*This box was sent to me in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are entirely my own!

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