Goddess Provisions Box: June

So…going on vacation to NYC recently reminded me to disconnect from the world for a bit but also made me forget to post about the June Goddess Provisions box. Whoops. I can’t not post about it though because June’s theme was all about sacred womb wisdom and I’m all about tending to the womb being an infertility sister and all. So here I am in mid-July throwing it back to last months box and sharing all the awesome goodies that came in it. These items are for anyone with a womb, or ya know what, really for anyone that wants to get in touch with their inner feminine vibes no matter your womb status. They are great for those still menstruating and can all be used in conjunction with fertility prepping too. We don’t have to fight our wombs ladies! Try nurturing it and appreciating what it’s capable of instead (even if it doesn’t cooperate 100% of the time). These items should help you get started:

Yoni Crystals Vesica Pisces Bracelet
I LOVE this bracelet. And I LOVE the meaning even more. It’s a reminder that everything comes together as it will (whether that be in the womb, or another life situation). It’s often a religious symbol but I like to think of it as a symbol of fertility and the power of women. The description of this bracelet from the company’s website is just so perfect and beautiful I’m not even going to rewrite it in my own words so here’s what they have to say about the symbolism: “The Vesica Pisces is a symbol used in Sacred Geometry to depict the Cosmic Womb, that which births all of Creation. It is a mathematical shape & formula found in nature & all of life. It is a symbol of the divine feminine & the divine masculine coming together and exudes the potent mystery of two wholes joining in union to create & birth new life. Based on the intersection of two circles whose center points exactly touch, it symbolizes the portal of life & the creation essence within the sacral chakra. When a cell first forms in the womb the next cell that is created overlaps creating the Vesica Pisces. It is at this exact moment that life is being expressed through Source. Let this power symbol be a daily reminder of your creative essence, divine nature & connection to Source.”
First Impression: I will definitely wear this! My only complaint is that my wrists are so small that the strings on this style of bracelet often dangle really long, but whatevs! Still love it. Also, the string comes in several other colors and the charm comes in silver too – lots of options!

Calm-A-Mama Balance Drops
These drops are an herbal supplement that’s made with the organic water-based extract of clary sage and the scentless flower essences of rose, yarrow and lavender. The blend of these ingredients promotes balanced hormones and increases feelings of comfort, support, stability and resiliance. Specifically rose is uplifting, balances all the chakras and helps opens up the heart to loving and trusting again; yarrow harmonizes conflicting emotions and has protective and healing properties; and lavender is soothing and calms restlessness.
First Impression: I’ve received a few Calm-A-Mama products through the Goddess Box before and I’ve really enjoyed them so I’m sure this one will be a winner too. I would not use this when pregnant or if you might be (because clary sage can tone the uterus too much) but it would be perfect to help those with unruly periods or pms and especially those trying to conceive because clary sage can increase blood flow to the uterus to prep it for implantation of an embryo.

Sacred Lotus Yoni Steam
This vaginal steam is made of many nourishing herbs like calendula, lavender, yarrow, red clover and rosemary (to name a few) that combine to help support your menstrual cycle, fertility, postpartum and cleansing (see their website for even more specific ailments it can help with). It can help reduce stress, stagnation and tension by increasing blood flow and circulation to your womb and vagina. Many women hold tension in those regions which can lead to stagnation and stagnation of blood flow lessens the chances of a healthy, normal menstrual cycle. Stagnation can also affect your fertility as it’s important to always have fresh healthy blood flowing through your uterus to improve the chances of conception.
First Impression: I’ve actually tried one of these before and if nothing else it was relaxing and did seem to reduce stress. It’s relatively easy to use, although some people might think it’s a bit weird. But I’ll tell you, when you’re going through infertility you’ll try anything. The instructions on this one don’t mention it, but if you’re confused and where to sit while using one of these my acupuncturist said to empty the toilet of water, disinfect and place the steam in a glass bowl in the toilet basin. It worked like a charm!

Cosmic Collage Medicine Bag
This bag is perfect for any trinkets but especially for keeping pads, tampons, mestrual cups or other feminine hygeine products organized since it has an image of a moon goddess on the front. The components of this bag are ethically sourced and the women who sew them are paid fair wages.
First Impression: Little bags like this are always useful! I like to use them in my backpacks or purses to hold things like makeup, pads or other feminine items like suggested above.

Lesser Evil Paleo Puffs
This little snack is the perfect pick me up for when you’re having a craving for something salty. The puffs are flavored with himalayan salt and apple cider vinegar. They are vegan, grain-free, paleo and are made with nutrient-dense ingredients like organic cassava, coconut and sweet potato.
First Impression: Lesser Evil products are some of my favorite snack items so I’m really excited to try these. I can never stop eating their popcorn when I get it so I’m guessing that’s what’s going to happen here with these puffs.

Little Moon Essentials Cramp Belly Rub
This is a massage oil specifically formulated to be used on the belly to alleviate pain and symptoms associated with menstrual cramps. It’s made with 100% natural ingredients such as camphor (anti-inflammatory and pain-reducing), arnica (also anti-inflammatory and pain-reducing), clary sage (eases pain from muscle spasms and balances emotions) and wintergreen (another pain reliever, it also warms and soothes).
First Impression: I’m actually one of the lucky ones that doesn’t get cramps often but I think this would be a great blend to help tonify and relax the uterine muscles regardless of the pain level. Like I mentioned earlier, clary sage can increase blood flow to the uterus so I’m definitely going to try this and see if it could maybe help regulate menstruation.

Amethyst Cluster
The amethyst crystal is known to bring balance, soothing and calmness to your being. It’s a protective stone that helps purify the mind, clear it of any negative thoughts and reduce stress and anxiety. Because of that it’s said to bring about wisdom and greater understanding. Perfect for when you’re trying to connect to that often misunderstood feminine womb energy.
First Impression: This crystal cluster is so gorgeous and sparkly. It looks like rock candy. I think just looking at it helps reduce stress. I’m excited to add it to my collection!

Womb Meditation & Cycle Mapping Chart
Cycle mapping is a great way to start understanding your cycle and the methods of your body. It, along with this womb meditation can help you connect to that feminine energy and power. Contrary to popular belief, cycles are not all the same 28 day phenomenon and understanding your unique rhythm can help you discover all kinds of things about the way your body works (or maybe isn’t working optimally).
First Impression: As someone who’s dealt with irregular cycles, charting similar to this helped me figure out patterns (or lack thereof) to discuss with a medical professional. Also I’ve found as a fertility patient that meditations focusing on the womb were very helpful mentally and perhaps physically too. Dig these items!

There you have it! All kinds of womb love from last months box. You’ll have to tell me: how do you connect with your womb? Or do you even? Maybe you think it’s a weird concept, but try it you might like it. If nothing else, try incorporating June’s mantra during your time of the month: “I’m connected to my womb space, I embody the divine feminine power of creation”, it’s a great place to start!

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