The Sunday Scoop 4

Did everyone have a safe and happy St Patrick’s day yesterday? The city of Chicago is always bustling on St Pat’s weekend as residents here take the holiday pretty seriously. I’ve been-there-done-that with the parade and river dying so I stayed away this year and went to the Chicago Flower & Garden Show instead. Did you do anything festive? Now that the holiday is over we can focus on the most important note of the week, Tuesday is spring equinox and marks the official start of spring! I am just so excited. No more snow after that point, right Mother Nature?? We are counting on you! Here are a few fun facts on the impending equinox:

  • It marks the spring day when the amount of day and night are nearly equal.
  • It is the only day of the year when the sun rises in the east and sets in the west for everyone across the world.
  • The earth’s tilt is zero in relation to the sun so if you were standing on the equator the sun would pass directly overhead.

Speaking of new beginnings, yesterday marked a new moon. New moons bring about a shift in energy and are a great time for reflection. Yesterday’s new moon was in Pieces and is said to be a time to focus on healing wounds. Pieces being the water sign brings a flow of compassion, forgiveness and possibility. Maybe try to set intentions around those things to take care of yourself and feel to heal.

Anyway, I’ve only got a couple of links this week, short and sweet. Just wanted to pop in to say happy spring, happy new moon and send lots of St. Paddy’s Day luck your way!

Life Things

  • Science says having a sister helps you become a better person. Shout out to my sis!
  • Knitting has been linked to reducing anxiety and stress. Sounds like I need to take up this hobby!
  • Speaking of stress, this is an interesting perspective from a stress expert who himself became overtaken by stress.
  • I know International Women’s Day was last week but this list of mantras from inspiring women is good all year-round.
  • Since I mentioned taking care of yourself and maybe doing a bit of self care with the new moon and spring arriving and all, maybe these self-care tools could help! I love my jade roller and want to get a gua sha tool now. They help increase circulation and bring calmness. Ahhhh.
  • To tie in the astrological and spring mentions again, here is a list of ways you can do a little spring cleaning based on your astrological sign. Mine says to clean up my mind with yoga and meditation. Spring cleaning of the mind, so doing that!

Fertility Things

  • Today is Goddess of Fertility day. I didn’t know this was a thing. But now I’m celebrating and begging (nicely, of course) Aphrodite to send fertility vibes my way!

Happy spring lovelies!



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