Compassionate Living Membership October 2021

Compassionate Living Membership group

The Compassionate Living Membership from Gogh Jewelry is an empowering monthly practice that’s sent right to your door created to inspire connection with yourself and Mother Earth. The intention is to use the energies from the crystals within the jewelry pieces to support change that comes from within. I was kindly sent this box for review.

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Compassionate Living Membership group

This lovely delivery is a subscription box for everyone who wants to live happy and was born of the desire to spread positivity and aid conscious living. Each monthly practice (valued at over $97) contains a personalized gemstone bracelet, necklace, a healing crystal, two meditation cards (one to keep / one to gift) and your astrology forecast for the month. This personalized program is created to help you live your daily life happy, aligned with Mother Nature and the Universe. Szilvia Gogh, the creator of this box and the jewelry inside, says this is a crystal subscription box, jewelry subscription box, holistic subscription box, inspirational subscription box, and even a self-help subscription box all-in-one!

Compassionate Living Membership group

What makes this jewelry extra special, besides the uniqueness, handcrafted quality, and beautifully chosen stones, is that every detail down to the individual crystals themselves is chosen with intention. The materials utilized are of course special in that they have powerful energies, but also because they are part of a collection gathered on the designer’s worldly travels. Szilvia is a scuba diver, stunt woman, photo journalist, yoga enthusiast and world traveler who is inspired by the ocean in her creative process. The materials she collections on her trips are what is transformed into the very jewelry you’ll find in this box that’s meant to nourish the mind, body and soul.

Compassionate Living Membership group

Subscription Details

This monthly subscription box is send around the 1st of each month. If you sign up after the 15th, you will receive next month’s practice. There are 4 subscription options and they are:

  • Monthly: $39/month, billed monthly
  • Quartlery: $36/month or $108 billed quarterly, saves $36
  • 6 Months: $34/month or $204 billed every 6 months, saves $60
  • 12 Months: $33/month or $396 billed yearly, saves $72

The October Box

The October box theme is “Healthy Habits We Can Learn from Ocean Creature.” It is intended to spread the message that ocean creatures live by: beauty isn’t on the outside, it’s who we are and what we do. This theme (like last month’s too) was inspired by a customer and brand ambassador’s instagram post on the same topic. The letter from the founder includes some of some great responses from the post to relate and get inspired from. Here’s a closer look at the products in the October box:

Compassionate Living Membership bracelet
Compassionate Living Membership bracelet

Mindfulness Multi-Stone Bracelet ($29 value)

Each month a handcrafted gemstone bracelet is included. It’s personalized to your wrist size and made with carefully picked healing crystals based on the energies in the Universe to assist your practice. This month the bracelet inspired by “Healthy Habits” is made with lapis lazul and citrine.

The information cards shared that: “Lapis Lazuli is a symbol of truth, as it brought you to see yourself for what you really are, and at the same time helps you to accept those parts of yourself that you may see as undesirable. Lapis is very well known for its purifying and healing abilities. On the elemental side, Lapis Lazuli is known as the water stone”. The other card states, “Citrine is said to be a gift from the sun and it’s believed to be a healing gemstone. Citrine brings happiness, joy and optimism into your life.” I can obviously see why lapis lazul was chosen since it encourages acknowledging your truth and finding acceptance in that (which includes appearance). I also enjoy the pairing of it with the citrine since it’s a healing, uplifting and optimism producing stone. The two stones paired together provide support and a positive, happy outlook for any healing journey, plus they look beautiful together too. A great reminder to wear daily!

Compassionate Living Membership necklace
Compassionate Living Membership necklace

Agate Crystal Pendant Necklace ($29 value)

You will also find a handcrafted gemstone necklace in each monthly box. It is also made with carefully picked healing crystals based on the energies in the Universe to assist your practice. The “Healthy Habits” necklace this month is made with a beautifully coral colored agate stone that is shaped with two points on each end. The color alone of this stone makes this necklace so lovely, but it’s healing properties include protect which make it perfect for wearing every day too. The pendant is a nice size and weight and the silver chain is a good match.

The pendant is made from agate. The included information shared that: “Agate is THE stone everyone should have for protection. Agate is believed to enhance intelligence, and make its wearer more articulate. It attracts strength, protects from bad dreams, stress and energy drains.” When working through a health journey, protecting yourself from energy drains and summoning strength is so important. I appreciate that this stone makes you more articulate too so it can help encourage conviction in your stance on your worth. 

Compassionate Living Membership selenite

Selenite Healing Crystal ($9 value)

Each monthly box includes a healing crystal, a gemstone or an earth element to meditate with. You can hold it in your palm or keep it under your pillow to enhance your practice. This month the healing crystal of selenite was chosen. It’s not like the past few I’ve received, it’s more of a wand-like stone that I think would be great for an altar or meditation area. The handy interpretation card included information that “Selenite is one of the most important tools in any energy worker or crystal lover’s arsenal. Through clearing energy blockages, Selenite allows for liquid-like energy fluidity. Its extremely high vibration floods your energy field with the highest vibrations of light.” Clarity and positive energy are both of major importance when focused on a health goal or creating new habits. This would be a great companion for the process.

Compassionate Living Membership affirmation cards

Affirmation Cards ($10 value)

Each month you will also receive two powerful affirmation cards to create EMPOWERING BELIEFS and set your mind on compassionate living. The idea is to keep one, and gift one.

This month’s message is “Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most.” -Abraham Lincoln. This quote is a wonderful match for any health inspired journey, because each is just that a journey that can be long and full of twists and turns. So this quote is a motivator that it will take work and will be worth the dedication.  I always like the simple design, soothing photo and that there is an extra affirmation card to give to a friend since sharing is caring! This would be great to add to a mirror for a consistent reminder and especially since a mirror is the place we often talk most harshly to ourselves. It would help provide a moment of centering.

Astrology Forecast ($10 value)

You’ll receive a PERSONALIZED Astrology forecast for health, love and happiness based on your Zodiac each month. When you subscribe you choose your zodiac on the submission form and then each month you’ll get a horoscope sent just for you. I’m a sucker for reading horoscopes so I love that one comes with this subscription. I appreciate how it loosely connects to the theme in that it asks deep questions for self discovery, but is larger in it’s purpose too. My personal horoscope for October is packed with suggestions and ways to connect to the cosmos. It says it will be a month of passion and excitement and also creativity. It also says all that can lead to depleting feelings so it reminds to recharge, meditate and slow down to avoid burnout. All very helpful for creating healthy habits for a well rounded life.

Compassionate Living Membership group

Final Thoughts:

The Compassionate Living boxes are always a delight. I’ve been enjoying growing my jewelry collection and also increasing my self discovery too. I love the jewelry that was included this month, especially the bracelet with it’s beautifully hued crystals.

Of course everything combines to make a wonderfully collected healing kit for creating health habits with daily reminders you can wear. The theme for this month is a good topic to bring up, and one that many can relate to in some way (unfortunately). Sometimes that topic (or parts of it) can be taboo, so the mention of trying to focus on inner beauty rather than outer beauty (just like the ocean creatures do!), along with the collected comments from others on the topic make this almost feel like a little community is rooting for you and reminding you of that fact, how amazing! I’ve said it before, and I’ll continue to say it again, this box is a great one for jewelry lovers and  anyone looking to go on a journey of self discovery too!

There you have my subscription highlight on the October Compassionate Living Membership from Gogh Jewelry. Were you inspired to discover new healthy habits or at least a new piece of jewelry?? Share your favorite parts about this box below! And if you’re curious about previous boxes, I’ve got a review of the September box right here. Of course, if you want to subscribe yourself, I’ve got you some codes for savings off your subscription. Subscribe here and use the codes below!

  • $5 Off First Month for Monthly Plan with code: BOTANICGAL5
  • $10 off First Month for Quarterly Plan with code: BOTANICGAL10 
  • $20 off First Month for 6 month Plan with code: BOTANICGAL20
  • $50 off First Month for 1 year Plan with code: BOTANICGAL50

AND, if you just want some jewelry without the subscription, find all kinds of beautiful accessories here. Be sure to use this code: BOTANICGAL for 10% off your order.

xo, botanicgal

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